
辅导中心 provides free peer and faculty 辅导 for all RWU students. 学生对我们的任何服务都不收费.


辅导中心位于2楼nd 图书馆楼层. The department consists of the following 辅导 centers:

周一至周四:上午9点.m.-8 p.m. 
星期五:上午9点.m.-3 p.m.

请在Instagram上关注我们(@rwu.辅导) and like us on 脸谱网 (RWU 辅导中心s) for end-of-semester, 假期, and weather-related updates/changes to our normal schedule.


  • 提供高品质, curriculum-based 辅导 that is responsive to the knowledge and ability level of the student and which engages the student in a thoughtful conversation about the work.


  • The tutors will put forth their best effort to facilitate the 学习 process by building rapport, 挑战学生更深入的理解, and serving as mentors for students who are new to the academic discourse community. The 辅导 centers ideally serve as an academic community of practice, where students strive to make meaning and forge identities, 学习 is reciprocal and taking ownership of work is the ultimate goal.


We’ll use the 写作中心 as an example to answer this question. Tutors will help students with proofreading and editing strategies, but students are ultimately responsible for their own papers.  Students can come in for help at any point during the writing process: brainstorming, 组织, 克服写作障碍, 修改和/或格式化. The tutor will ask the student questions and engage in conversation about the paper.  Tutors will help with grammar; so, 如果导师注意到, 例如, 这个学生把“你”当代词用了, the tutors will talk about the effect of that pronoun choice in a formal paper. This philosophy of engaging the student in a conversation about the content is consistent in the math and science 辅导 centers, 也.


The peer tutors are students who have excelled in the subject(s) for which they tutor. 最常, an instructor makes a recommendation to one of the Tutoring Coordinators for the Math, 写作, 科学中心. Some students who did exceptionally well in a class and have a desire to help other students will take the initiative to come in and ask if they could be considered for a 辅导 position.  最后, the Tutoring Coordinators hire some first-year students who have demonstrated superior strength during their high school years.

The tutors receive extensive 培训 both in the content area for which they tutor and in building community. While much of the 培训 is managed by the Tutoring Coordinators, many of the veteran tutors are also engaged in facilitating 培训.


Many studies have proven that students learn best through collaboration with their peers 也 as with faculty.  因此, while students might work through a draft of a paper on their own, it is often invaluable to be able to test out an organizational strategy or the development of an idea on a real audience before submitting the paper. 同样的, 如果你对某个数学概念感到困惑, you might find some relief from that frustration after working with a peer who is able to relate to what you find difficult.  经常, 因为同侪导师本身就是学生, 他们也经历过类似的情况, 无论是在他们自己的课程中还是在辅导课上, and they have developed strategies for approaching a particular kind of math equation, 化学习题集, 或者是论文中的组织困境.


  1. 不要等到最后一刻才寻求帮助! Come in early in the semester or when you start to feel as though you might be having some difficulty with completing an assignment to the best of your ability.
  2. 准备好了! If you are working on a paper, bring in the assignment and any notes you have written. 如果你对一个数学概念感到困惑, come in with your notes and the problems you have attempted.
  3. 如果你需要帮助,尽管开口,不要犹豫.  If you feel as though you could use a Political Science major to look over your Political Science paper, 让我们知道!  We have a “Tutors and Major” list in the different centers. Or if you are looking for a tutor in a course that is not listed, ask us and we will see if any of our tutors have successfully completed the course.