
杨晨B. 戈尔茨坦,导演

杨晨, SAS总监, wearing a colorful scarf and dark blue shirt, sitting at a table in the Umass Lowell Library. 她对着镜头面带微笑

杨晨戈尔茨坦, the new SAS总监 comes to Rogers Williams with over twenty years’ experience in Higher Education, fourteen of those years serving as Director in the area of academic accommodations and support. The majority of 杨晨’s Higher Education career was spent at the University of Massachusetts Lowell,  where she began her career as a one person office with a couple of hundred students and built the Office of Disability Services to a five person staff serving over a thousand students. During 杨晨’s time as Director she has advised an award winning club, co-authored several scholarly publications and has presented her departments work at several conferences. 杨晨’s passion is to see every student reach their full potential as well as enjoy full participation in every aspect of campus life.

In 杨晨’s full time she enjoys spending time with her family, 包括 her three dogs. Although 杨晨 currently is commuting from Connecticut she looks forward to a much shorter commute when she can find a new home in the local community. 杨晨 is thrilled to be part of the RWU community and looks forward to continuing the wonderful work that Laura Choiniere and the rest of the staff in SAS have offered students who have identified to SAS these past several years.

电子邮件:  jbgoldstein@hzjly.net

电话: 401-254-3038


SAS助理处长, 凯瑟琳·齐默尔曼, 穿西装, sitting at a table with her arms folded 微笑 at the camera.

Kathryn is the Assistant Director of the 学生无障碍服务 office. Kathryn is a lifelong resident of Massachusetts and has worked for Roger Williams University since 2020. 她得了B.A. 在严重特殊教育,M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration from Northeastern University, and is currently earning her Doctorate in Education (Higher Education Administration) from Northeastern University; A double husky, 如果你愿意. Kathryn has numerous years of experience at the elementary, 中间, 以及更高的教育水平, 公共和私人. Kathryn's personal interests include spending time with loved ones, 在大海上划皮艇, 参加足球比赛, 和旅行. 


电话: 401-254-3736

Patsie Almonte, Student Services Coordinator

Patsie taking a selfie (picture) of herself sitting in the car, 微笑, 穿着一件桃色衬衫.

Patsie Almonte is the Student Accessibility Service office’s Student Services Coordinator. Patsie has been an employee at Roger Williams University since 2006, and in SAS since 2010. She also has earned her Certification in Medical Assisting. Patsie oversees the daily tasks of the SAS office, 包括, but not limited to initial intake information distribution, 记事的服务, 考试住宿整合. She is a lifelong resident of Rhode Island and is the proud mother of three boys. Patsie’s personal interests include interior design, 家居装饰, 烘焙, 购物, 看贺曼频道.


电话: 401-254-3841