Richard L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories

A hub of laboratories, project rooms and open spaces dedicated to hands-on, collaborative teaching and learning.

students work in seccm labsWelcome to the Richard L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories, a hub of labs, project rooms and open spaces dedicated to hands-on, collaborative teaching and learning. 我们专注于体验式学习和前沿行业趋势, the School of Engineering, 计算机与建筑管理(SECCM)培养学生具备技能和现实世界的经验,以应对工程和设计行业面临的挑战. SECCM教师拥有最先进的设施,为学生提供最高质量的教育体验 – 下一代工程、计算机和建筑管理专业人士. 吹嘘百分之百的就业或研究生安置, SECCM's enrollment continues to grow, and the Richard L. 布雷迪应用学习实验室将通过提供应用学习的协作中心来适应未来的发展.

Image of exterior of the Richard L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories

About the Building

Located in the heart of campus, 这座三层楼的建筑为学生提供了在实验室环境中测试设计和应用新技能的机会. 配备了最先进的技术和工具,理查德L. 布雷迪应用学习实验室是RWU的承诺,以确保我们卓越的学术课程包括严格的, cutting-edge experiential component.

Explore the Building
迪恩·波特教授学生关于理查德·L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories

A Laboratory for Student Learning

During the construction phase, the Richard L. 布雷迪应用学习实验室是学生学习的“活实验室”. 我们的项目合作伙伴Shawmut Construction and Design为学生提供了幕后访问和实时施工课程, 而我们的教授们则开设了关于理查德·L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories into courses.

大约有十几个人参加了理查德·L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories

Breaking Ground on the Richard L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories

在正在建造大楼的推土机的背景下美国罗杰威廉姆斯大学于10月11日星期四举行了奠基仪式. 25, for the new Richard L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories. 同时在典礼上,大学宣布将大楼命名为 Richard L. Bready, the former Nortek Inc. 首席执行官兼主席,即将结束担任RWU董事会主席11年的任期.

Read about the ground breaking
Richard L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories Shawmut Design & Construction Methods and Materials Laboratory

Our Project Partner

Shawmut logoShawmut Design and Construction是一家建筑管理公司,领导着Richard L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories project. 除了他们在学术建设方面的丰富经验, Shawmut是RWU毕业生的顶级雇主之一,他们将与SECCM的教师合作,在项目交付的各个方面提供教育计划.

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