

罗杰威廉姆斯大学(RWU)是一所独立的大学, 男女合校, 文科院校, 由新英格兰学校和学院协会认证. RWU在罗德岛州布里斯托尔校区共有4723名学生. This population is comprised of 3984 under研究生, 487 law, and 307 研究生 students. There is also a second RWU campus located in the Downtown district of Providence where the 网赌的十大网站 is located. 在布里斯托尔, 大约75%的学生住在大学宿舍, 操, 或附属房屋. Roger Williams University offers more than 50 majors and 39 minors leading to BA, BS, B.Arch, BFA, AA, an AS under研究生 degrees, and has a student to 教师 ratio of 14:1. The schools and colleges on the Bristol campus are comprised of the Division of University Studies; Feinstein School of Humanities, Arts and Education; Feinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences; Gabelli School of Business; Cummings School of Architecture; School of Engineering, Computing and Construction Management; School of Justice Studies; and the 法学院. Students originate from over 41 states with the majority of students hailing from the Northeast region (i.e.(新英格兰和大西洋中部各州). RWU共有98名国际学生.


咨询中心 offers comprehensive psychological services to the university's full-time under研究生, 研究生, 法学院的学生. Services include individual and group psychotherapy, 危机干预, and outreach programming. 除了, 中心为管理人员提供咨询和转介服务, 教师, 和工作人员. 除了实习生, 中心目前有4名心理学家, 1名持牌临床社工, 博士后1人, 1咨询精神病医生, 1名秘书. 工作人员的理论取向和临床兴趣各不相同. The Center has a highly positive reputation on campus and is highly sought out by students for treatment and consultation. 2020年春季学期, we transitioned to offering our services through a telemental health format due to the pandemic and provided 培训 for all clinical staff and trainees for this form of service delivery.


咨询中心 staff are highly committed to providing an accepting and supportive environment, which is conducive to the professional development of both Post-Doctorate 研究员 and Psychology Interns. 在中心的培训项目中, 主管们强调专业和技能的发展, 还有适应性, 多元文化的学习, 和自我反省. 通过咨询培养学员的成长, 说教的指令, 从实践经验中学习, 指导, 建模, 和监督. One goal of the 培训 programs is to shape future Psychologists who are simultaneously specialists and generalists, 具有扩展到许多客户群体和角色的通用性. 培训计划的另一个目标是培养专业精神. Strong emphasis is placed on enhancing the Trainee's sense of ethical responsibility (conformity to professional standards of conduct), 社会责任(对人类差异的全部多样性的敏感性), 个人责任(自我意识和对他人的影响).


咨询中心是隶属于 威廉詹姆斯学院临床心理学实习联盟. 这个协会是由美国心理学会批准的. 我们的咨询中心是该联盟的五个创始成员之一. The pre-doctoral internship in clinical psychology is based on a competency model of 培训 in the areas of relationship-building, 评估, 干预, 监督管理, 咨询和教育, 研究与评价, 道德与职业认同, 文化能力/多样性. 超过两年的时间, interns spend 25 hours weekly for the Center and 2 hours weekly at a related WJC seminar during the academic year. 实习时间为2000小时(不超过24个月). All applicants must currently be WJC students who have received approval for their readiness for internship level 培训. 对实习有疑问的申请人可以联系Christopher J. 贝利,Ph值.D.,董事, cjbailey@hzjly.net or 401-254-3124.


平衡个人训练需要, a number of core activities will typically take up to the majority of the intern's 27 hours weekly time commitment during the academic year. The following are estimated time allotments that may vary according to the interests of the intern and the needs of the Center and the university.

  • 个人督导:2小时
  • 小组督导:1小时
  • 员工会议:2小时
  • 教学培训研讨会:1小时
  • 病例会议:1小时
  • 摄入量和个体化治疗:10-15小时
  • 团体治疗:1小时
  • 危机时刻:1小时
  • 外展:1小时
  • 记录:1-5小时
  • 威廉·詹姆斯研讨会:2小时

A brief therapy model is the generally accepted mode of treatment for individual counseling, 虽然有条款规定你可以从长期客户那里获得经验. Interns are given considerable autonomy and are encouraged to exercise choices both within their prescribed responsibilities (e.g., types of groups, topics for outreach) and in their choice of optional or specialty areas (e.g.,饮食失调,学生运动员,第九条).


中心于2002年开始招收博士后. The Fellow position is designed to prepare individuals for a staff position in a counseling center as well as being a professional Psychologist in any other clinical setting. 研究员 will have the opportunity to learn about systemic dynamics often encountered when working in a university setting. 研究员 receive advanced 培训 opportunities in core service areas including individual and group psychotherapy, 入职及评估, 危机干预, 外展计划及工作坊, 与管理人员协商, 教师, 学生家属, 和工作人员. 有不断发展的机会, 与学校其他部门建立更深入的咨询关系. A core aspect of the position is to provide effective mentorship to the cohort of Pre-Doctoral Interns. 中心工作人员努力营造一个支持性的工作环境, collegial environment in which 研究员 can further develop and expand their professional identity. Each Fellow is part of the Crisis Team to support walk-in/crisis appointment availability during standard daytime working hours. 没有晚上,大学假期或周末随叫随到的报道. 除了, 研究员, 与工作人员协商, 负责协调教学培训研讨会. Two hours of individual supervision provided by licensed psychologists occur on a consistent, 每周. Sensitivity to individual and cultural differences and investment in DEI is emphasized throughout the fellowship.


我们最后的6位研究员中有4位现在在大学咨询中心任职, 和一个开私人诊所的, 另一个是教员.

2023-2024学年的申请现已开始接受! 申请截止日期为2023年3月24日星期五. 有2个研究员职位可供选择. 我们遵循APPIC的选择指南. If you have any questions about the application process, you are welcome to contact Dr. Christopher Bailey: cjbailey@hzjly.net


薪金现已增加到48美元,300美元,其中包括300美元的职业发展津贴. 健康保险, 牙齿保险, 带薪休假时间, 校内免费停车, 医疗/生病的时间, 15个带薪假期都包括在内. A private office with views of a scenic campus setting next to Mount Hope Bay is a pleasant extra. A significant amount of time is provided to 研究员 for job search and licensure exam preparation activities.