Virtual Visit Experiences

不能访问? 不用担心! In addition to a number of on-demand sessions, we also offer live virtual opportunities daily. This is your chance to interact with RWU students and staff to find out more about the RWU experience!


To experience the tour in Spanish, just switch the language setting in the bottom right portion of the screen from "EN" to "ES."



Informational Interviews with an 网赌的十大网站 Counselor

We offer 30-minute, one-on-one interviews with admission counselors. During these virtual sessions, we'll discuss your interests, academic journey, and future plans. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions about RWU's student experience and our application process. Interviews are completely optional and they are informational - so, if you choose not to schedule one it will never negatively impact your chances for admission. 

Register by counselor, listed below by geographic area: 

  • 雅各布·艾伦 - Massachusetts (Greater Boston and North Shore) and New Hampshire
  • Russell Azzarello - New Jersey, Mid-Atlantic, New York (Hudson Valley & Westchester County), Vermont
  • 凯尔Jesanis -  Southeastern Massachusetts, California & Pacific Regions, Illinois, Florida, and all Southern & 中西部各州.
  • 林赛• ——缅因州
  • 德米特里•Satsuk -  All International (Latin America, Caribbean, Asia, Europe, etc)
  • 希瑟·施拉姆 - Massachusetts (Worcester County) & all Transfer Students
  • 杰西卡Thibeault - Eastern Connecticut (New London, 温德姆, 纽黑文, 米德尔塞克斯, Hartford and Tolland county); Colorado & Mountain Region States
  • 安娜•沃尔特 - Long Island, New York City area and Rhode Island
  • Didn't see a counselor for your area? If your counselor is not listed or you are inquiring from a territory not listed please contact us via email at and one of our 网赌的十大网站 Counselors will contact you.