
Ed Cunanan

警察队长Edward Cunanan, RWU 08届13M级,加州大学兼职教授

Criminal Justice
Faculty & Alumni

“作为一名警察,我有30年的工作经验,这绝对有利于我传授知识和促进课堂上的对话," said Woonsocket Police Captain Edward Cunanan, who has taught at RWU as an adjunct professor since 2014. 

A two-time RWU graduate, Cunanan has experience as a student, teacher, and professional in the criminal justice field. 最初在布里斯托尔校区任教,现在在网赌的十大网站任教, 库纳南很感激能够与他的学生讨论刑事司法的道德和实际问题. 

"I’m learning from the students, too. It’s mutually beneficial." he said. 


What made you want to be an Adjunct Professor?

I really enjoyed my student experience at Roger Williams. 我发现对内容的讨论和探索非常有趣. I wanted to keep the conversation going. To me, 高等教育最好的部分是你与同学的对话, the interaction and exchange of diverse ideas. 当我有机会回到罗杰·威廉姆斯担任教练时, I really wanted to get back in the classroom. It has been a dream come true. When I finish my policing career, 我很乐意接受成为一名全职教师的挑战.


Of course. There are a lot of police officers who take classes at UC, 因此,我在课堂上与警察的互动建立在我的警察生涯之上. 我们能够讨论许多我们目前面临的问题,并交换意见. I’m learning from them just as much as they learn from me. 作为一名警察,我有30年的工作经验,这对我传授知识和促进课堂对话的能力绝对有益. Both my career choices benefit each other. 


I’ve heard, from almost day one of teaching, 学生们真的很喜欢他们的老师有实际的实地经验. 他们喜欢有人站在他们面前,给他们一些真实的经历,这些经历将支持书中的内容. 

What do you do in your role as a police captain? 

我最重要的工作是确保伍恩塞克斯警察局的人拥有他们需要的所有工具和资源,以有效和安全地完成他们的工作, to serve the people of Woonsocket. I oversee the station and make sure it is secure and safe.  I’m responsible for the fleet, I oversee the training division and internal affairs, and I do a lot of grant writing for the department. 我从事社区服务和社区治安工作,因为这是我个人的兴趣所在. I also oversee recruiting, which is a big responsibility. 

How did you get involved in policing? 

When I think back on my career, 我非常感激并感到非常幸运,因为我本可以成为一个统计数据. 相反,我得到了很多机会,结果也很好. 我出生并成长于伍恩塞克特的一个单亲家庭,生活在项目和福利中. Nobody really expected all that much out of me, 但我充分利用了给我的机会. 我在20岁的时候成为了一名警察,凭借大量的努力和决心,我爬到了上尉的位置. 我很幸运地走上了这条路,这条路最终把我带到了高等学府. 这是一段难以置信的经历,我非常感谢罗杰·威廉姆斯.