建筑艺术学院 & 保护历史古迹 Receives National Award for Creating Paid Internships Program for Students

Award recognizes how RWU SAAHP built an innovative program to connect students with 支付, 实际的实习

左边是兰斯·杰伊·布朗,伯纳德学院ACSA杰出教授 & 安妮·斯皮策建筑学院, 纽约城市学院, 颁奖给副院长格雷戈里·拉勒米(中)和院长斯蒂芬·怀特.

丹佛- When limited funding prevented renowned non-profit architecture firm MASS Design Group from hiring David Mistretta ’13 as an intern in 2011, 他转向了建筑学院, 艺术, 和历史保护(SAAHP)院长斯蒂芬·怀特(Stephen White)寻求解决方案.  

“As a student who had a lot of admiration and respect for the team at MASS and the work they were doing, I was compelled to let [MASS co-founder and Executive Director] Michael Murphy know how much a job at MASS would mean for me,米斯特塔最近分享道.  “迈克尔感谢我对麻省理工学院使命的承诺, [but said] they had depleted their sources of funding and could not pay any additional staff.”

What began as a request by a single student has turned into an innovative program 支持ing all students in 支付 internships, 改变SAAHP与专业之间的联系. 怀特调查了融资机会,并了解到他可以利用 学校的学生助理工资通常留作校内工作之用 来支持米斯特塔在MASS Design为期三个月的暑期实习. 这次实习为米斯特塔带来了一份永久工作, and began to change White’s thinking about the financing of internships and the relationship between the school, 建筑公司和其他组织.

他的解决方案在2012年启动了SAAHP的职业投资计划, combining federal and university funds to 支持 支付 internships available for all students in the School. 2018年3月, the success of their innovative approach to connecting education with professional practice earned Dean White and Associate Dean Gregory Laramie an American Institute of Architects (AIA) / Association of Collegiate 学校 of Architecture (ACSA) Practice + Leadership Award.

“What I appreciate most about this recognition is that the CIP 支持s all students and professionals that are engaged,怀特说. “我们可以在内心实现伟大的目标 现有资源 if we think bigger and more broadly for all involved – if we realize that we are part of a continuum between education and practice, 随着时间的推移,学生在哪里成为专业人士.”

为了实现这一点, 怀特与大学管理人员合作,建立了一个可以创造 支付 学生在整个SAAHP的经验. 通过这个过程,他们意识到RWU 已经达到联邦勤工俭学奖学金要求水平的三倍, 但它只用于校园实习. Knowing the extent of available funding and the transformative impact of 支付 experiences with top-notch professional practitioners, 他们创建了CIP,利用联邦, university and donor funds to guarantee a 支付 internship component within each graduate student merit aid package and 支持 符合条件的三、四年级本科生 在学习期间至少有一次.

AIA/ACSA实践+领导力奖 "高效教学的最佳实践范例, 奖学金, and outreach in the areas of professional practice and leadership” which “promote models of excellence that can be appropriated by other educators.”

“(CIP)覆盖了所有的金融需求, skill set and discipline to provide students with viable work options where they can form connections, 学习新技能,开始了解工作文化,” AIA Rhode Island Executive Director Jennifer Zolkos wrote in a letter 支持ing the award nomination. “学生们不仅仅是做实习生, 但毕业后,我在该地区一些最好的公司找到了工作.”

Architects at international firm Stantec Architecture and Engineering also affirmed their 支持 of the mutually benficial impact for both the student and firm.

“我们的实习生已经成为有实际任务的综合团队成员, 真正的客户, 并且有真实的预算和期望,” Stantec principals Jill Rothenberg and Eric Weyant and RWU alumnus Michael Decoulos ‘13 wrote. “他们提前进入我们的办公室已经创造了, 几乎在所有情况下, 毕业后转为全职工作.”

自2012年以来,CIP已经为学生提供了超过200万美元的资助. 研究生 students in the Architecture and 保护历史古迹 programs are eligible for up to $3,000元/年. 符合条件的三年级和四年级本科生最高可获得 $2,300 每年在公司实习或协助教师项目. 资金随学生流动,允许他们在美国各地完成工作.S. 甚至在国外. 从7月1日开始,研究生的工资将增加到每小时18美元, 2018年与行业标准保持一致.

“The CIP is intended to provide financing for undergraduate and graduate student work experiences outside of coursework both on and off campus,怀特说. “我们能够在大学里提供带薪的学生工作经验, 在建筑行业内, 同时也与非营利组织和社区团体合作.”

One of the benefits of the CIP is that it offers firms a chance to work with student interns without 金融 怀特补充道.

“它支持的能力 试驾学生能力, and we expect that the firms will take the students from there as they’re capable and interested,怀特说. “We’re excited that we’ve been able to invest highly in our students to work within smaller firms, which often have not had the funds or been averse to risk with taking on junior people. CIP改变了这一切.”

在RWU,我们培养相信社区参与工作的公民学者. That’s why we commit to providing every student an opportunity that empowers them to put their knowledge and skills to the test solving real-world problems and creating meaningful change with community partners. 了解更多有关 公民学者 program and how to help us reach our goal of every student participating in civic 奖学金.