

Ava Mastrostefano, RWU 2018届毕业生

主要:  海洋生物学

Ava Mastrostefano带着梦想来到RWU. And after four years exploring the biology and health of marine animals and their environment, she is on the brink of making her dream come true.

从14岁开始, Ava Mastrostefano’s dream has been to attend Tufts University’s veterinary program. Mastrostefano came to RWU with that end goal in her sights and her experience here, from her undergraduate research work to her participation in the 荣誉项目, to her involvement in student life, has led to her acceptance into their prestigious program.

除了准备读研, Mastrostefano’s also researched the mental health implications of diabetes in teens and young adults and presented it at the annual 本科 Conference on Health and Society.

作为1型糖尿病患者, the research presentation meant more than just completing her applied practicum in public health. It allowed her to share her personal experiences with diabetes and helped Mastrostefano discover an interest in other areas of public health and how they relate to veterinary health and the ways human and animal health intersect.

This research proved to be pivotal because it wasn't just Mastrostefano's academic work that helped led to her acceptance to veterinary school, 她还参与了其他一些冒险活动.

“In the interviews they were interested in things like my public health background, 当导游和家庭教师,马斯特罗斯蒂法诺说, who also minors in public health and chemistry. “They’re really looking for what sets you apart from everyone else.”

在RWU的四年里, Mastrostefano participated in plenty of extra-curriculars that set her apart from other applicants. Not only was she an admissions tour guide and a science tutor, she also worked alongside Assistant Professor of Biology Roxanna Smolowitz in her 水生诊断实验室. 她是……的成员 荣誉项目, attended and presented at academic conferences in Washington, D.C., 和西雅图, 我在新西兰留学, and completed a public health-focused service-学习 project in Peru with RWU’s chapter of the Foundation of International Medical Relief for Children (FIMRC).

“I took advantage of every opportunity I could and the whole experience has been so much more than I expected,马斯特罗斯蒂法诺说. “When I look back and think of all the things I’ve been able to do while [at RWU], 真是难以置信.”

But among all these opportunities, Mastrostefano never lost sight of that early childhood dream. After participating in the time-honored tradition of crossing the RWU Commencement stage, she will be looking forward to attending the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.