约瑟夫·W. Roberts

约瑟夫·W照片. Roberts
约瑟夫·W. Roberts, Ph.D.Chair and Professor of 政治 and 国际关系


(401) 254-3784jroberts@hzjly.netfca 113


比较政治学, 中东政治, 国际关系, 跨国社会运动, 以计算机为媒介的政治传播, 大学的核心


Ph.D. (2006), 政治科学犹他州盐湖城犹他大学

M.A (1994), 中东研究-政治学犹他州盐湖城犹他大学

B.A (1991), Diplomatic History and 国际关系: Southwest Asian and Islamic Civilizations他是田纳西州诺克斯维尔市田纳西大学的教授

约瑟夫·W. Roberts is the Chair of DPIR and is a Professor of 政治 and 国际关系 and a 2010 Presidential Fellow at Roger Williams University in Bristol, 罗德岛州. Dr. Roberts received an NEH Fellowship to study Islam in Asia through the East-West Center in Hawaii in 2017. He was an inaugural Alwaleed Fellow for Oman for the National Council on U.S.-阿拉伯关系(2015-2016). He was also a member of the RWU Fulbright-Hayes Egypt Fellowship in July 2011. 他编辑了 政治学教育杂志 (JPSE), one of the four flagship journals of the American 政治科学 Association (APSA)., 2016-2022年. He is the current Chair of 政治科学 教育 section of APSA and the inaugural President of the 教育 and Learning in International Affairs Section (ELIAS) of the International Studies Association (ISA).

Dr. 罗伯茨的书, How the Internet is Changing the Practice of 政治 in the Middle East: Political Protest, 新社会运动, 和电子地下刊物该书于2009年由埃德温·梅伦出版社出版. He has published in 欧洲政治学 and has several pieces in PS:政治学和政治学 on internationalizing the curriculum in political science and conflict and conflict resolution. 他还在 Periodica Islamica. He is currently completing comparative politics textbook with two colleagues (Cambridge University Press, 初步2024).

Professor Roberts teaches international relations and comparative politics in addition to courses in his specialty area of Middle Eastern politics. Professor Roberts has developed several courses including 政治 of the Middle East, 美国在中东, 自杀性恐怖主义, 政治伊斯兰, 和跨国社会运动. 罗伯茨教授也开发了一种模拟方法, “Bokhtikkari Nationalism in Assuwa: A Simulation of Conflict Resolution in an Ethnically Divided Society,” for use in a course on the politics of ethnic conflict. The simulation has been used by others at universities across the United States.
Professor Roberts was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award from the University in May 2023 along with the Student Senate Professor of the Semester for the Spring 2023 semester.
  • POLSC 120:比较政治学导论
  • POLSC 210:国际关系概论
  • POLSC 310:流行文化和高级红外理论
  • POLSC 321:种族冲突政治
  • POLSC 327:中东政治
  • POLSC 344:美国和中东
  • POLSC 390:全球化及其批评者
  • POLSC 397:玩政治游戏
  • POLSC 442:高级研究研讨会(国际关系/比较)
  • 核心102:权力结构
  • CORE 450:我们支持它还是反对它? 21世纪的人类与地球
How the Internet is Changing the Practice of 政治 in the Middle East: Political Protest, 新社会运动, 和电子地下刊物 (刘易斯顿,纽约:埃德温·梅伦出版社,2009年).

"Rapidly Moving Online in a Pandemic: Intentionality, Rapport, 以及同步/异步交付决策,PS:政治学与政治学, No. 1(2021年1月):183-185. DOI: 10.1017/S1049096520001596

“Are U.S. 制裁是正当的:以伊朗为例?“ABC-CLIO

“Internationalizing the Curriculum: Assessing Faculty, 部门, and Schools on their Efforts,” 欧洲政治学 (2015年9月25日)doi:10.1057 /每股收益.2015.40

“冲突与解决冲突” PS:政治学和政治学 48, No. 3(2015年7月).

“What States Need to Foster Innovation and Economic Growth,《网赌的十大网站》(2015年6月).

“Strategies for a Competitive 罗德岛州: Assessing Innovation Potential with Emphasis on Energy and Ease of Doing Business” The Collaborative 罗德岛州 (March 2015). [与Suchandra Basu和Ramesh Mohan合作].

“冲突与解决冲突” PS:政治学和政治学 46, No. 3(2013年7月). [与Agnieszka Paczynska和Daniel Wehrenfennig合作].

“课程国际化”, PS:政治学和政治学 45, No. 3(2012年7月). [与Mark Sachleben和Deborah Ward合作].

“课程国际化”, PS:政治学 & 政治 42, No. 3(2009年7月). [与Rachel Ellett和David Kiwuwa合作]

“中立(演讲) 第一修正案百科全书, ed. David L. 大卫·哈德逊. 舒尔茨和约翰. 维尔(华盛顿特区.C.(CQ出版社,2008).
“Refugees,” commissioned essay for the Global Knowledge section of FabianGlobalForum.Net,英国领先的智囊团(2002年5月).
“The Middle East-North Africa Internet Resource Guide,” Periodica Islamica 5, No. 3 (1996): 109-126.
ecoRI新闻, “调查在巴林顿引发禁袋辩论”